Prospective students should check the openings page

Ph.D. Students

Currenctly looking for a Ph.D student (see openings above)

Former Ph.D. Students

Alix Ducros - Situated Visualisation of Activity in Third Places - Co-supervised with Clemens Klokmose.

Now: Entrepreneur working on a start-up following-up his phd work

Mohamed Ez Zaouia - Visualizing traces of online learners - Co-supervised with Elise Lavoué.

Now: Post-doc at Twente University

Valentin Lachand - Orchestration and Activity Centric Computing for Education - Co-supervised with Christine Michel.

Now: Post-doc at Université Lyon 1

Lili Tong - Designing and Analyzing Collaborative Activities in Multi-Surface Environments. - Co-supervised with Audrey Serna.

Now: Front-end developer at Philips Research

Former Post-docs

Ghita Jalal - now Head of Design by Enedis